3:40:00 PM

The Alarming Sound Of A Still Small Voice

I knew I never deserved you
I just felt so high inside
I move along, I shuffled in place then backhand
and you're pulling me in
Will I ever find anyone?
You make me feel like I've been lost somewhere
Now it's morning so it's over now it's over

Am I right where I need to be or is this another distraction?
Is this how I'm supposed to feel?
I've been trying to wake you
Is there a change you need to see or is this another disaster?
Tell me how I'm supposed to feel
I've been trying to wake you

No this is never what I wanted
Never what I thought I signed up for
and I keep moving away to the edge
then I'll decide whether jump or stay asleep
Sometimes the leap of faith is all
Faith is all we have. Why won't you tell me?

Am I right where I need to be or is this another distraction?
Is this how I'm supposed to feel?
I've been trying to wake you
Is there a change you need to see or is this another disaster?
Tell me how I'm supposed to feel
I've been trying to wake you up.
Why won't you wake up?

Wake up. Nobody's sleeping anymore
And I've had enough of the ground
Made my escape fell in love with the sound
And I'll pound my fists till you wake up
So why aren't you waking up?

When the sun is coming out
When the sun is coming out
And I can't hide here anymore
no, no, on no. When the sun is coming out

Am I right where I need to be or is this another distraction?
Is this how I'm supposed to feel?
I've been trying to wake you
Is there a change you need to see or is this another disaster?
Tell me how I'm supposed to feel
I've been trying to wake you up.
Why won't you wake up?
Why won't you wake up?
Why won't you wake me up?

The #6 track off of Saosin's 2nd full-length album entitled 'In Search Of Solid Ground'. The very first time I listened to this album, i was pretty much stoked and errmm pretty much was annoyed by the drastic change they had made to their music. The album was pretty like pop-ish and sounds like the album was targeting for the mainstream market. But I was wrong for when the 2nd time I'd listened to the album, I noticed something vastly different. It wasn't obvious nor obnoxious, but I noticed it somehow that their music is now singing along with the vocal. Before, the guitar riffs and leads were merely just skills and techniques to highlight the idea of expressing their genre but now, ohh you can even feel high by just listening to the music. This song in particular is a grave sad song that I 'enjoyed' so much that dahi saya berkerut sebab fokus sangat kat lagu ni. I can feel the emotions and the storyline vividly through Cove's voice together along with the band's music. It was orgasmic! This song is super sad that when Saosin played this during their show in KL, I can't help but to stop moshing and just take a time out and gaze and stare to everything there at the venue. The view? Priceless. I'd seen how truthfully the earth always seems static in satellite pictures yet in our daily life, even a picture might worth a thousand story :) . Try and have a listen to this song eyh mate? Peace, Empathy, Pen Off ;')
7:52:00 PM

A Huge Thank You :)

Thousand of millions of thank you's for all that came to my house just now. It was fun seeing all those old friends and new friends mingling with each other, and it was great seeing friends of mine berborak-borak dengan kawan-kawan kakak saya yang kebetulan satu universiti dengan mereka. The world was made huge, so humans can never run out of space to keep their friends :) . My cousin yang semangat datang dari jauh, member-member abang saya yang datang dari jauh, member-member saya yang juga datang dari jauh, semuanya menambahkan lagi seri suasana Hari Raya ke-7 ini. But the biggest joy would be seeing my friends chatting with my mom who was once seorang ustazah untuk hampir kesemua kawan-kawan saya. Semua bersembang tentang macam mana ragam mereka dulu dan macam mana mereka telah membesar. And ohh how we had grown! Sorry sebab saya tak sempat nak berbual dengan semua orang sebab tadi rasanya kawan-kawan saya yang paling ramai hadir jadi saya sibuk nak kena ulang alik melayan semua orang. Haiiihhh we had really grown eh? Semua ada jaminan kerjaya sendiri, tapi saya je yang ambik haluan sebagai seorang guru ek? Haha we would never what'll hit us. I had fun. I had fun. I had fun. Oh i had fun. Sorry kalau ada yang terasa sebab saya tak invite personally melalui sms or phone call, but believe me semua yang datang pun daripada ajakan saya melalui Facebook. Tapi, saya rasa bersalah juga jadi saya mohon jutaan maaf di atas kesilapan saya itu :') . Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri semua, and please keep on being beautiful eyh? Peace, Empathy, Pen Off :')
2:55:00 AM

Them who knows best :)

Quote 1
Location : Nani's House
Conversation Between : My Father & Auntie Nolly

It was the 2nd of Raya and my father was with Auntie Nolly chatting about their experiences throughout life. Both shared their thought equally while I sat there sharing their laughs and anecdotes. It was a pretty comfortable dialogue until they suddenly had a talk about the "orang cina makan duit lebih, orang melayu pemalas" issue (Auntie Nolly is a Chinese, and my father is, well a Malay of course). The issue started with a question from Auntie Nolly "Eyh itu Rosmah aaa muka banyak muda. Apa dia buat?", Rosmah yang dikatakan oleh Auntie Nolly ialah isteri kepada PM kita sekarang. Lepas je nama PM kita terpacul dari mulut Auntie Nolly, the whole conversation shifted to a high edge leather studded bucket racing seat. But it wasn't grumpy at all, it was a clean laughable talk. The talk jadi lebih sedap apabila handphone ayah saya berbunyi and he refused to answer it. Ayat dia selepas itu yang menarik perhatian saya ialah *i couldn't remember it whole but I do remember the main points of it*:

"Kesian jugak si Najib tu sebab dia kena settlekan semua masalah yang tinggal. Abdullah dulu tu pandai, lepas dia naik jadi menteri, dia punya friends, relatives dan kroni semua makan besar tapi rakyat tak jaga. Itu yang sekarang Najib kena cover balik negara ni. Tapi kalau Anwar Ibrahim yang jadi PM sekarang, Malaysia takyah risau. Orang dok balun Anwar sebab dia samaratakan semua kaum, tapi orang tak sedar yang bangunkan negara ni pon orang cina sekarang ni. Anwar dia nampak yang kalau orang cina disatukan dengan orang melayu, Malaysia naik. I'm not saying it sebab Anwar tu senior saya dulu, tapi sebab dari apa yang dia pernah buat untuk negara he's worth the try. Dia punya personal issue apa semua tu, kita letak tepi dulu, we let him do his job and we do ours. It's a win-win situation. Melayu sekarang ni malas, tahu nak istimewa then kalau cina potong, dia marah. Tak elok la camtu. Win-win, semua merasa. Apa salahnya?"
Though we are aged years apart, but I do know one thing: "Ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi?" . You made me realized persamaan kita yang paling ketara iaitu we Malays really need to step up the game :) .
Peace, Empathy, Pen Off :)