6:03:00 AM

Stick to the golden rule; stay in school, fool.

Around 0400 on 12th of August; which is yesterday, a great lesson in life was learned.

i was busy doing an assignment, whilst the other dudes are goofing around as usual. Then din ajak g sahur, saya bersiap siap secepat mungkin sebab perot dah lapar kaw kaw. Everything was normal when suddenly din and azim told me to get all of the boys downstair 'cause there's a policeman who wants to do an inspection. I went down nauseated with many many questioning lingering in this head of mine. *Sebelum turun, sempat tgk brapa ramai polis ada depan rumah. Satu VAN D8! Smua dalam uniform. Yang kat rumah kitorang seorang pakcik with handcuffs hanging from his shoulder. HANDCUFFS dengan tekanan lebih di huruf S dekat hujung! All the other policemen were in the next door, doing urine tests to almost everyone there. I WAS PETRIFIED TO DEATH AT THAT EXACT MOMENT!*

polis kat rumah kitorang tanya, "brape orang yang hisap rokok dalam rumah ni?" dan saya antara yang terawal yang angkat tangan. A great offense is a great deffense aite? Then the cop asked some questions on age, background, etc and predictably latter he asked us this "siapa yg pernah ambik dadah?" . My heart stopped beating almost literally back then and my head had been flashing many many beloved faces of mine upon hearing that wretched question of his! I was going to say no when suddenly rahman chimed in with "kitorang takde sampai macam tu sekali cik. Rokok je paling teruk" . Pastu pakcik tu tanya lagi "boleh kitorang nak buat urine test kat semua orang?" and almost everyone there nodded with a yes. My thoughts went right on hysterical when suddenly that pakcik cakap "korang blaja leklok, jangan buat bukan bukan. Pakcik pun ada anak besar besar korang." and he asked us to write our names on a piece of paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and thankfully that was just about it. Palotak dah pikir macam macam dah. Lepas pakcik tu keluar dari rumah, most of the boys came to me and said "nasib baik kau kali ni amer. Takyah la buat dah lepasni. Kau g tengok rumah sebelah, ape jadi. Kau nak kena camtu?"

lepas rumah kitorang settle dgn benda tu, kitorang sambung balik plan asal; sahur. Sebelum gerak, smpat tgk rumah sebelah. Budak2 rumah tu smua kena duduk style mcm dalam lokap lepas urine test. Budak2 rumah sebelah semuanya budak kelantan yang terlampau baik je dgn kitorang. After the night was done, we asked the guys next door what had happened and they told us some of the guys kena angkut masuk lokap. Rupa-rupanya rumah tu kena mark dgn polis,t ak tahu la samada sebab orang report atau pemeriksaan random.

BUT THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ME TOO! Walaupun saya selalu cuba untuk berbuat baik dengan semua orang, tak semestinya orang akan terima kesilapan saya. Thank you ALLAH for saving me yesterday. I'm owing you more now than ever ;')

2 point of view(s):

Faye Anderson said...

what are you having.?
or it is sum kind of jokes.?
better be good.

himynameisamer said...

i'm having ayam masak merah rasenye untuk berbuke nanti. hurrmmmmm. haha no lah. takde ape pon. jangan risau lah :)

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